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8th Grade ELAR and Reading


8th Grade Schedule

Breakfast 7:47 AM - 8:00 AM

SEL Time 8:00 AM - 8:14 AM 

1st Block 8:14 AM - 9:09 AM

2nd Block 9:12 AM - 10:07 AM

3rd Block 10:10 AM - 11:05 AM

4th Block 11:08 AM - 12:03 PM (Conference Period)

5th Block 12:06 PM - 1:01 PM

Lunch 1:04 PM - 1:34 PM

6th Block 1:37 PM - 2:32 PM 

7th Block 2:35 PM - 3:30 PM

ELAR and Reading Syllabus

Teacher: Jessica Cavazos 

United South Middle School - Room: 63


Tel. (956) 473-7700

Conference Time: 11:08 a.m. - 12:03 p.m.


 Tutoring Schedule/Tutorials:

I am available every day after school excluding days when I have department/faculty meetings, after school training sessions, tutorials, UIL, or parent conferences.

  • Please come to tutorials for help or make an appointment with me. I want you to be successful in my class and you will if you work hard! I am here to help at all times and will give you a 100%; please do the same for me!

Tutorial Schedule as of September 6, 2023.

  • Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00P.M.-4:30 P.M.


Supplies/Materials: You are responsible for coming to class with the necessary materials to be successful.

  • Chromebook
  • Two Composition Books (REQUIRED) – will be kept in class
  • Highlighters (four different colors for annotations)
  • Google Drive Access
  • Four Pencils, four black/Blue pens, and  two red pens
  • One Tissue Box
  • Correction Tape
  • 1 Large Glue Bottle
  • Plenty of Wide or College Ruled Lined Paper


Expectations for Academic Success:

  1. Come to class on time! Once class begins any interruptions are impolite and distracting. Be sure to read the UISD handbook policy on tardies.
  2. Come to class prepared.  Always bring pens, pencils, paper, novel(s), assignments, projects, and or homework. You will need them EVERY DAY. Stay organized throughout the course.
  3. Avoid being absent.  Please see handbook for attendance policy. Missing a day will put you behind. Always find out what you have missed and make up your work immediately! This is YOUR responsibility!
  4. Turn in assignments on time. Refer to District handbook for policy.
  5. Expand your knowledge. Come to class with an open mind and willingness to learn new things.
  6. Love to learn. Use your prior knowledge, ask questions, be an active reader, and participate in class discussions in a knowledgeable and productive manner.
  7. Group Work. When working with a peer or group make sure to stay focused and do your assigned part. Remember that the group is being graded as a whole as well.

Classroom Expectations:

  1. Be Respectful: Use appropriate language. Be respectful and wait for your turn.
  1. Be Orderly:  Follow directions. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.
  1. Be Accountable: Be ready to learn. Always have required materials.
  1. Be Responsible: Be on time. Complete all assignments.


Positive Behavior Supports:

  1. Verbal and written praise
  1. Positive call, note, email to parent or legal guardian
  1. Participation in school wide events (extracurricular activities, pep rallies, dances)
  1. Homework Pass
  1. Certificates, stickers, R.O.A.R Coupons, prizes


Behavior Interventions:

  1.  Reteach Expectations & Procedures
  1. Teacher/ Student Conference
  1. Parent/Guardian Conference
  1. Withdrawal of Privileges
  1. Discipline Referral to Administration
  1. Severe Clause: Refer immediately to administration

Late Work Policy:

Hand in all late work directly to me.  DO NOT put on my desk, turn in with current assignments, or give late work to a substitute This also applies to the Google Drive Drop Box. Please refer to District Student Code of Conduct for criteria on late work.  

It is VERY IMPORTANT to become familiar with Google and Google Chrome. Not only is it a tool for you to obtain important campus information but it contains a daily assignment calendar for your classes. Please familiarize yourself with it because these resources are vital to your daily learning.

There are no excuses for not completing your assignment(s). If you do not have access to a computer at home, then you can access one in the library before/after school or during lunch. NO EXCUSES! You may also make arrangements before/after school to use a Chromebook in my classroom.



Obtaining Make-up Work (will go over procedure in class)

It is the student’s responsibility to obtain work when absent; otherwise, assignments made during absence are handled as late work. Please see me for any copies you may need. School policy for work missed while absent will be enforced.


Do your best – be in class – bring materials every day – have a good attitude – let’s have a great year of LEARNING!!!


This syllabus is intended as a set of guidelines for the 8th grade English Language Arts and Reading course. Students and parents should note that Ms. Cavazos reserves the right to make modifications in content and requirements as necessary to promote the best education possible within prevailing conditions affecting this class.